Your piece really reads pretty cleanly. It is funny but I had an idea for a substack story too but mine is a bit darker than yours. I like this slice of life like stories, so refreshing. Also good luck with the competition. Looking forward to reading yours and the other contestants work.

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Thanks! I hope to see your idea turn into a story soon

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Thank you.

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Nifty premise! I enjoyed this. I'm very much looking forward to seeing more from you & our co-competitors.

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Thank you! I'm looking forward to reading your stories too.

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Apr 2Liked by Hyun Woo Kim

Engaging read! Thanks for sharing & tagging. How did you get those first-line indents? Are you just adding spaces? I’ve thought about doing the same to make fiction look like actual fiction on here…

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I copied the text from a Word document and it appears as it is. Not really sure how to do it with the Substack editor, though.

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that's clever! I've gotten so used to Internet block paragraphs that I haven't thought about indented paragraphs in...years, probably.

I knew I'd seen indent/de-indent options somewhere in the Substack editor, but it turns out they're only for items in a numbered list. It doesn't look like we can do it with normal text.

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