Lovely article here! Being accepted to journals and mags are nice vindication for writers; it's very cool that you've so many published pieces. Even better, you're aiming for the Paris Review! I wish you luck on that venture and I'll certainly be looking forward to your next micro-fiction!

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Thanks, Bethel. It's always better to shoot for the big ones than not to shoot at all. By the way, I have received a rejection email once from The New Yorker even though their website states that they contact their submitters only when they are interested. You can guess what an emotional roller coaster that was!

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Keep on going Hyun Woo Kim. It is good you are starting to realized your dream of being a writer. Best of luck with your future plans.

If you ask me being a non-native English speaker, I love the language of old as it sounds just right to my ears. The banter and insults were rather better too, which is why I tend to use them even if they are obsolete! Might even revive some words who knows. It's a matter of preference.

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"I have done thy mother." -Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus. Master William sure knew how to say "your mom" insults.

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